
Use our integration with Mailchimp to market to individual segments based on tags or events.

How to get up and running with Mailchimp in Mavenseed.

  1. Login with your Mavenseed account at From your Avatar drop-down menu on the top-right of the page, select the name of your site.

  2. On the left hand side click Settings > Communications

  • Site Email: Appears as the "From:" field on transactional emails.

  • Mailchimp API Key: Used for subscribing customers to your email newsletter. Once you enter and save the API Key, a new option will appear below to select your preferred email list.

  • Default Email List: After entering in your API Key, a new option will appear to choose which email list you'd like your customers to subscribe to.

A Mailchimp account is required to collect email addresses from your customers. Don't fret, we vouch for them and to start off you can roll a free account that will scale when you do. After creating your Mailchimp account, click here to find your API Key.

Why would you integrate Mailchimp?

The primary reason would be to collect email addresses, tags, and events from your customers. Collecting email addresses happens in a number of different areas on your site:

  • Site launch Page

  • Product coming soon page

  • Newsletter Widget in the page buildersite's launch page or product coming soon page, in addition to tagging subscribers, and powering events. Once you have added your Mailchimp API this email field will appear on coming soon product and your site's Launch Page.

Mailchimp Events

If a customer has consented to your sites marketing policy, and they are logged into your site, then we'll also send the following events to Mailchimp.

Started Course

When a customer completes the first lesson in a course. Includes the additinal data:

  • Course Title

Completed Course

When a customer completes the all lessons in a course. Includes the additinal data:

  • Course Title

Viewed Plans

When a logged in customer views the subscribe page.

Viewed Subscribe

Similar to viewing plans, but when a plan is selected, and the subscribe page is viewed. Includes the following additional data:

  • Plan Title


When a customer subscribes. Includes the additional data:

  • Plan Title

Note: We also add tags (below) when someone subscribes.

Mailchimp Tags

If you sell subscriptions, we'll automatically tag those customers in your Mailchimp account so that they can easily be segmented.

Only customers who have consented to email marketing will be tagged in Mailchimp.

The following tags are send to Mailchimp under the below listed conditions:

Free Signup

When someone creates a free account they are tagged as free.


When a customer completes step one of the signup process, three tags are added:

  • subscriber

  • status-pending

  • plan-PLANNAME

At this point the subscription still needs to be paid for by the customer. One they complete signing up, the tag status-pending will be changed to status-active.

If the customer decides to not continue subscribing, and they click "No Thanks" on the Call to Action Modal that pops up if they don't continue subscribing, then the status-pending tag will change to status-pending-canceled

The status is reflective of the subscription status as it changes.

For example, if the customer has canceled, they will be tagged with subscriber, status-canceled, plan-PLANNAME. The reason the customer stays tagged with subscriber is so that they can be segmented between status-active, status-canceled, status-expired, or status-trialing.

The PLANNAME uses the id of the Subscription Plan in Stripe or Braintree.

For Stripe Plans that do not have a custom ID set, this would be in the form of plan_xxxxx. For Braintree it would be the name of the plan that you set.

Last updated