How to create a new Blog Post
Interested in building your blog on Mavenseed? We wrote a whole article on that! Read it on our blog.
Login to your Mavenseed account from at the top right, or in the bottom right corner of the footer. Visit your Site admin through the Account tab, or by clicking on your sites name through the Avatar dropdown menu.

Click on Content then Posts in the left-hand side Menu, and then the green New Post on the right side of the page.
Title: What is the title of your Blog post? Keep in mind what people may search to find this topic. Make it relevant and compelling. Avoid click-bait activities!
Excerpt: This is your elevator pitch. Keep it brief. This text is displayed next to the image thumbnail on your site.
Categories: To help sort content or to create custom navigation links add custom categories to your content.

Click Continue to create your post, and begin adding in additional information.

Status: Draft, Published or Scheduled. As the logged in admin on the account you can preview a draft,
Post Content: Craft efficient, compelling text in the body of the post.
Select Authors: The author dropdown list will list out all of the invited collaborators to the site. This will publicly display who was the author of the content on the course's page.
Post Image: This is your attention grabbing feature image in the right hand side,
Edit Published At Date

You can now adjust the published date on a blog post. Posts are also now filtered by published at date which you may adjust.
If you're curious how your Blog post will look. Save it and click the View Post button in the upper right corner. Here is an example of what one may look like.
Last updated
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