Managing Subscriptions

Offer recurring membership options to your customers

This area is being actively developed. Documentation will be updated to reflect those updates!

Viewing Your active subscribers

Clicking on Content then Subscriptions on the left-hand side admin menu will bring you to your Subscriptions home page. Here customers whom are subscribed to your plans will be displayed.

From the list you'll see the customers and their Subscription Status.From the drop-down menu there are some edit options: Edit and Destroy

Viewing your Subscription Plans

Subscription plans enable you to offer a variety of offerings to your community. With Subscription plans you can include all of your content or just some of it to just some of your plans.

Clicking on Subscriptions on the left-hand side admin menu will bring you to your Subscriptions home page. Click on the Plans tab to see a list of your created subscription plans.

Clicking View on the subscription plan will take you to a list of all of the subscribers to the subscription plan.

Last updated