Google Tag Manager
Integrate with GTM for conversion tracking and re-marketing.
GTM is an important tool for any online businesses looking to better understand how their customers come into contact with, and engage a website. It works by sending Events to Google Analytics. As such, in order to use GTM, you must first setup Google Analytics.
How it Works
Once configured, you'll be able to track a number of Events, as described below. Some events may have properties attached to them. For example the viewed cart event will have the cart currency, and value. These properties (if available) will be listed below the description within each event.
Single Purchases
Recurring Subscriptions
If you haven't previously setup an account with Google Tag Manager, navigate to this URL and start by creating an account. Select "Web" as the platform type.
You'll be presented with a screen prompting to install Google Tag Manager. Click "OK" to exit out of this prompt. Locate your GTM ID at the top of the page, and copy it to your clipboard.
Next, navigate to the Settings section of your Mavenseed site, then to the "Integrations" tab (admin/settings/integrations), and fill in the ID for Google Tag Manager.
The only thing left to do is to configure GTM and GA. GTM works by using Tags, Triggers, and Variables. Here's a link with more information on that. We recommend at least being familiar with the terms and their meanings.
Google Tag Manager
Luckily GTM allows us to Export and Import these things, so we've got a file here that you can upload which will set everything up in a single shot.
Click the "Admin" tab in Google Tag Manager, then select "Import Container."
2. Choose "Existing" as the Workspace.
3. For the Import Option, if this is a new account, you can safely choose "Overwrite" because you haven't set anything up yet. Otherwise, select "Merge."
4. Download and unzip the file below.
5. Click "Choose container file" and upload .json file.
6. You will be shown a display like below, which is letting you know of all the tags, variables, and triggers that the above file will import. Go ahead and click "Confirm."
6. IMPORTANT! This step is very important and should not be skipped. You need to copy over your Google Analytics ID and paste it into the configuration tag for GTM. First, click the "Tags" item on the left menu, then find the GA4 tag (Google Analytics: GA4 Configuration).
Click GA4.
On the next screen, locate the measurement ID of G-XXXX.
You will need to paste in your Google Analytics Measurement ID into this field. You can find that by going to your Google Analytics property, clicking "Admin" (the gear icon on the lower left), then clicking Data Streams.
Locate your stream (you probably only have one), and click on it. On the panel that opens, you can locate your Measurement ID in the upper right hand corner.
Paste this ID into the Measurement ID field on the tag, within Google Tag Manager.
7. Last step! Submit your changes. Google Tag Manager works using Versions so that you can access the things you did in the past.
You should be set! You should start to see events within Google Analytics within 24 hrs.
Google Analytics
After 24 hrs you should start to see events within Google Analytics. The only thing to do in Google Analytics is to set the "subscribe" event as a conversion. This means that, out of all of the Events tracked for the Subscription funnel, "subscribing" is what we want the user to end up doing. So, it's setup as the conversion event.
Open up GA and navigate to Configure, then Events.
Toggle the option to mark "subscribe" as a Conversion Event.
Accessing Events
After you've configured GTM, you can access your events from within Google Analytics. Sometimes they will take a while to start populating, but you will eventually see them starting to come in under Reports / Engagement / Events.
Last updated
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