March 2022
March 1st - 2nd
New Features
New! You can now setup a custom Helpscout App to show customer info inside of Helpscout.
card excerpts are now truncated at 140 characters. Change applied to courses, downloads, live streams, posts.
improved card display with normalized heights, and button placement
Live Streams have gotten a huge face lift! With a new redesign they now more closely match the layout of a single lesson. Chat is now displayed when the stream is closed, in a new and fresh sidebar format.
added status of payment on admin payments index page
added a link to view braintree subscription in braintree on a braintree sub
added coupon data in admin subscription view showing actual recurring total
fixed webhooks not hitting if site was locked
fixed product leaf sometimes not showing the correct product saved
fixed blockquote display with longer text
fixed weird hover state with dropdown menus on mobile with main site nav
fixed mailchimp tagging error with free signup
question answers are now paginated
fixed letter in default avatar of customers with no custom avatar
fixed incorrect path to stripe on customer
fixed percentage discounts not displaying correctly on subscriptions
1:34 PM
fix formatting of expiration on braintree subscription sync leading to false positive
show and allow braintree id to be edited in admin subscription form
fix error when adding multiple sub categories to the course in admin
fixed post image uploads not working
March 3rd
Customer search is now driven through Elasticsearch and offloaded from the server, providing near instantaneous results.
March 7th
let lessons be searched by slug
let livestreams be searched by old slug
updated the valid_subscription? method to allow canceled subs that haven't yet reached expiration
added payment method field to subscription form in admin while editing
fixed customer dashboard error from events assuming there's an attached association
fixed error on lesson page sometimes happening due to a course with no product
fixed the index for Braintree subs leading to admin create/update not working for multiple manual BT subs
March 8th
fixed bug with saved sub categories being removed from view while editing content
fixed author block not displaying properly
fixed community questions not sortable by date opts
let exercises be configured with a video or embed like lessons
subscription sync utility
March 9th
patched author block showing twice if game points are present on a course
fixed sketchfab and youtube embeds not being show when the customer is viewing their submission from within the customer dashboard
fixed slack bot to send to the right channel
you can now move chapters up or down with a click
fixed bug with exercises not being marked as tracked
fixed bug with IPN's not unloading due to faulty conditional
added a new tab to customer dashboard which shows the customer their progress across all courses (same one found in admin/customer/progress view
fixed game badges on customer view not overlapping if multiple are present
fixed sketchfab embeds not being responsive
March 10th
added scroll to answer on page load when in URl on forum
fixed html appearing in subject line on user mention mailer
fixed question sub service self notifying
show customer name in dropdown for search instead of f and l name
show all projects on customer profile with pagination
customer dashboard project path fixes in event activities
multiple misc appsignal bug fixes
March 15th
added script to fix migrated tracking data with wrong association
added status label to submission events
force by id order in admin categories to resolve improper pagination of results with same dates
show shortened form of pagination on live stream sidebar comments
fixed sorting by author in filters
fixed unique index on stripe id in subscriptions from passing blank
March 22nd
updated Shrine to latest
.gif support
refactored stripe, braintree, and paypal customer indexes to exclude blank vals
fixed admin customer subscription view if customer is team owner
removed conditional limiting 100% off coupons from being created since MS now supports this
fixed bug with bookmark view on customer dashboard from migrated data
added loves count as counter cache
fixed image manager not loading on admin events editor
fixed site owner/manager not able to delete comments
use usernames for all notifications fixes some users not having names due to missing f or l
removed scaling on active answer causing overlap
removed zebra striping on customer dashboard progress
start capturing location data for new subscribers for tax purposes
March 23rd
increased max image size to 10mb
send recurring payment transactions to TaxJar if enabled
fix code view not saving changes in page leaf editor
tweaked color on stripe subscription payment method to distinguish from paypal in admin subscriptions
fix code appearing in subject line of mailer for loves and follows
fixed "add course" button not showing when editing a playlist
Last updated
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