August 2020
New Projects Plugin (includes customer preferences under account for mature setting)
Improved account invites with ability to select role (staff, author)
Changes to allow codebase to run on staging
JS validation added for 5mb file limit on image uploader fields
New /author area for authors added to the site with a role of author
Fixed "Author" badge on comments
Fixed bug with coming soon page sometimes created multiple times
Tenant css now compiled after site plugin is activated
Added JS validation for empty quill fields
removed old templates table
moved ip address pickup method to request.headers['HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP'] from request.remote_ip
fix conditionals preventing author access to admin, builder, widgets
added option to site links to add custom css class, which can be used to style the element in the scripts settings
added option to image leaf in page builder to optimize the loading of the image (a.k.a., lazy loading)
added ability for customers to delete their own exercise submissions
fixed questions asked through lessons not triggering event
fixed the dates in subscription history to use local time to reduce confusion with the expiration in the info card
Added a new option to MediaText, Hero, and Button leafs to select a product, which will turn the button into an "Add to Cart"
subscription plan supported features
social sharing plugin for maven market
social sharing added to order confirmation
Wistia embed replaced with fancy version
Wistia Rewind
support for selling gift cards
fixed multiple carts adding multiple headings to checkout
Last updated
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