
Webhooks are available on all paid subscription plans.

Mavenseed has a powerful behavioral events system that you can tap into via webhooks. We can send data over the wire to any URL of your choice. Here's how it works.

Head to your sites listing within your account, and select "Webhooks" from the dropdown menu.

Provide a valid URL for the events to be sent to. Then, choose a few events that you'd like us to send.

Here's the full list of events that we currently support. See anything that's missing? Just reach out and let us know.

Event Name

Added to Cart

Added to Newsletter

Completed Course

Completed Lesson

Created Account

Created Answer

Created Question

Failed Quiz

Passed Quiz


RSVP to LiveStream

UnRSVP to LiveStream

Signed in

Started Course

Submitted Exercise


Viewed Checkout

Viewed Course

Viewed Download

Viewed LiveStream

Viewed Plans

Viewed Post

Viewed Subscribe

The event is sent in JSON. Here's an example of the event that's sent.

  "uuid"    => "d131a0d3-ace4-4e61-961f-5ae52e1017b8", 
  "object"  => "event", 
  "type"    => "viewed_checkout", 
  "created" => "1585155369", 
  "customer => "joebixby@aol.com",
  "data"    => {}




This is specific to the event and can be used to find the event via the API.


This is always event.


The type of event as listed above.


When the event was created, in seconds since the epoch


The email of the customer, if the customer was logged in at the time.


Additional event specific data used in some events.

Last updated